BUKU WOMANOLOGY, The Art of Marketing to Woman, by Yuswohady, et al.

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Strategi Pemasaran : Memahami, Merayu, dan Menaklukkan Hati Wanita

The Diamond of Womanology

Build sincere emotional connection. Relate her with your brand. Link her with each other.
#2. CARE
She wants to be care and appreciated. Listen to her! Understand her!
Woman is the most value-oriented creature. She will pay to get exactly what she wants. Offer to her a solution, not just a list of features.
Be an empathetic brand. Touch woman’s deepest heart with your love and passion.
Remember, trust is the most important emotion in a sale to woman. If you not trusted, you’ll never earn her heart.

Kondisi  : Buku baru

Penerbit : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utam

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