Buku DATE DECODER, by Greg Hartley and Maryann Karinch

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Military Intelligence Techniques to Expose What Ke’s Realty Thinking

Get Inside His Head!

Have you ever you could read your date’s mind and find out what he’s really thinking? Now you can!Professional interrogator Greg Hartley and author Maryann  Karich are here to teach you how to unmask any man in minutes. Using actual intelligence techniques from Hartley’s military career, you’ll learn how to :
•    Read a man’s body language
•    Understand his nonverbal cues
•    Find out if he’s lying
Date Decoder also helps you answer those questions that plague you in the early stages of a relationship :
•    Is he really interested in me!
•    What can I do to make him let his guard down!
•    I think he might be cheating; how can I be sure!
•    What’s really going on that pretty little head of his!
You’ll also learn to assemble your own date – decoding toolkit, including everything you need to interpret and influence yout date. Finally, you can stop wasting time and start dating smarter!

Penerbit : Polkadot Press

Tebal      :215 halaman

Bahasa   : Inggris

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